Friday, December 30, 2011

A jam packed Christmas break

We have had such a busy couple of months. Here is a quick recap of what has been going on in our life.

A couple days after we got to Colorado there was a snow storm that brought about a foot of snow with it. So we grabbed the sleds that have been sitting in my parents garage for who knows how long and packed down the snow to make a pretty decent sledding hill. We spent hours sledding down the hill.

Even my grandma went down the hill multiple her slippers. Yes, my grandma is the coolest!

We also spent a night decorating my mothers ridiculously delicious sugar cookies.

We had lots of fun on our Christmas break in Colorado but now we are back home and school will start next week so its back to real life. And real life now includes a job for Kyle! Kyle is one of the newest employees at Kiwi Loco. It's a frozen yogurt shop near campus and thanks to a good hook up through one of Kyle's old roommates, Kyle got the job! We are excited because of many reasons! 1. Jobs are impossible to find in Rexburg 2. It will be nice to have a second income, especially since I don't work many hours 3. Kyle won't be in school this next semester and he likes to have something to do and he would go crazy without a job!

So here's to fro yo paying our bills!

Also exciting since last time I blogged, there have been TWO engagements in the Johnson family.

Kyle's little sister Janae got engaged to Reggie just after Thanksgiving! This had been a long time coming and we are so excited for them. They are getting married in the Manti Temple on April 6th.

Kyle's little brother Kory also got engaged just a couple of days ago to Krissa. We like Krissa a lot, she is so good for Kory. They are getting married in the Idaho Falls Temple on April 28th.

So April will be the month of love in the Johnson family this next year and I am excited for both Janae and Kory. Janae is not in school this next semester and Reggie is, so instead of doing another semester long distance, Janae is living in our basement for this next semester which means we will be seeing a lot of Reggie and Janae. Kory and Krissa will both be in school next semester so hopefully we can spend some time with them too. It should be a fun and busy semester.