Thursday, August 21, 2014

Summer Fun

Holy hannah! Where do I begin? My last post was all about Brantman who has already been apart of our family for 6 months now! Let me just say that life with two kids under two is busy, busy, busy! I am almost always needed by one or the other or both at the same time. I have officially not slept through the night in over 2 years and most days my lunches consist of eating whatever is leftover on Kyler's plate (which is often a lot because have you ever tried to feed a picky two year old? I'm not very successful at it most days!) It had been such a whirlwind the last 6 months, but I love both my boys! 

We had such a fun summer! Kyle was done with school the end of May but then he was busy, busy, busy teaching summer school through the month of June, working on the 3rd grade curriculum board for six days and tutoring one of his students twice a week. Once he was finished with all of that we headed over to visit Brielle and Jared in Boise for the 4th of July. Parker and Kyler had a blast playing with each other for a whole week. We went to their favorite parks, played in the pool, jumped on their trampoline, went to the zoo, had a few water fights and celebrated the 4th of July with a small town parade, a BBQ, playing in the water, and lighting off our own fireworks after we put the kiddos to bed. It was such a fun vacation! 

Trying to get 4 kids under the age of 4 to look at the camera was no easy task!

 We had lots of fun at the Boise zoo.

Then we came back to Rexburg and spent a few days with Kyle's mom and Jonah who were up visiting for a few days while Kyle's younger sisters were at EFY. We spent the rest of July enjoying having Kyle home to play with us all day. He got a little taste of what it's like to be a stay at home mom and lets just say he's pretty excited to go back to work! I loved having the extra set of hands to always help with the boys and housework. We played outside, went to the park, played in the water, and just had fun relaxing at home with dad. The last week of July we snuck into Kyle's classroom to start getting his room ready for the new school year. Technically the teachers aren't supposed to be in the schools in July because they make it an energy conservation month, but we just worked by the light let in by the windows. He wanted to get some stuff done because we were leaving for Colorado for Stacey's farewell and wouldn't be back until right before school started. We drove down to Utah after we taught our primary class on Sunday the 3rd and spent the night at my grandma Allred's. Then we drove over to Colorado on the 4th. It was a long drive thanks to lovely Wyoming construction and weather, but thankfully both the boys did awesome! 

 We spent two whole weeks in Colorado enjoying all the time we could with our families. Brielle and Jared drove over on the 13th so we got to spend more time with them too. We had a joint birthday party for Kyle and Kyler with both of our families. The original plan was to have a BBQ at the park since there are so many of us, but a couple of hours before the party there was a huge flash flood, so we threw together a plan B and had the BBQ at my parents house. It was lots of fun. Stacey decorated an adorable mickey mouse cake for Kyler and Kyle made a mickey mouse pinata. Kyler got spoiled rotten by all of his aunts and uncles and grandparents. I cant believe he is already 2 years old!!

 Stacey gave her farewell in church on the 17th. My mom, stacey, and I sang together and lets just say it sounded much better the way we practiced it without blubbering through the end! Stacey gave a great talk on courage and then we had a big family dinner with all our family from Denver. Then that night we went with Stacey to get set apart which was a really neat experience for our family. The next day we all drove over to Utah together and spent another day together then on Tuesday Brielle and Jared had to head back up to Boise and we had to head back up to Rexburg. It was hard to say goodbye to Stacey, but she will be such a great missionary! She has such a strong testimony of the gospel and she will be such a great example to those she serves and teaches. My parents dropped her off at the MTC on Wednesday and now we're all just anxiously awaiting the first email from her. 

See you in 18 months mija!!

Kyle started teacher in-service meetings today and although we will miss having him around he is excited for a new school year. I cant believe hes already starting his second year teaching! Life sure does fly by when you're having fun!